Continuing Education, Professional Development, Data Academy (Teaching)

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IIHR will create non degree programs to help professionals and other community members increase their knowledge and understanding of health-, data-, and equity-related issues. These courses and workshops provide learners an opportunity to develop skills in a variety of areas, including qualitative and quantitative research methodology; data collection, analysis, and reporting; data visualization; and ethical treatment of human subjects, among other topics. IIHR course and workshop instructors are faculty members who are experts in their fields, ensuring that content is cutting-edge and applicable. 

Possible workshop topics, with select course descriptions:

  • Survey research design, analysis, interpretation, presentation, and dissemination
    • This course will provide information about best practices for designing and conducting surveys. Students will gain an understanding of the multiple sources of survey error and how to identify and fix commonly occurring survey issues. The course will cover writing questions; visual design of questions (drawing on concepts from the vision sciences); question ordering; increasing effortful responding; and increasing response rates. Participants will apply what they are learning in activities and will have ample opportunity to ask questions during the course (or during breaks) and to discuss the survey challenges they face with the instructor and other participants.
  • Field research methods
  • Program evaluation
  • Data visualization
  • Qualitative data collection and analysis
  • Biostats (maybe just descriptive stuff?)
  • Grant writing
  • Business models
  • Logic models
  • Outcome and framework models
  • Infrastructure building? Capacity building?
  • Health communication
    • This course includes discussion of theory and research on design, execution, and evaluation of effective, as well as ineffective, health campaigns and public service announcements. Topics include source, message, and audience characteristics that determine success; effective message design; and other strategies for health behavior change, such as cognitive behavioral therapy and implementation intentions. Instruction includes lectures, video, activities.Participants will apply what they are learning in activities and will have ample opportunity to ask questions during the course (or during breaks) and to discuss the survey challenges they face with the instructor and other participants.
  • Ethical use of data
  • Working with human subjects

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